Sunday 7 February 2010

Filming and Editing the Preliminary Exercise

The filming went extremely smooth; this was due to the fact that everyone who participated stuck to their roles. Also everyone who was involved arrived at the right time and place; all the planning and preparation we had done in the previous week really came together nicely. Having the equipment, rooms and props ready for us to use we were able to start filming straight away. We encountered one problem, due to a small error with contact details. We weren’t able to get a hold of one of our group members on the day of filming, so as a group decision we stuck to the plan and carried on with the filming. We had all the props and we also had our actress and actors turn up in their free time. Throughout the filming we had Ashley Stewart directing the shots, and Holli Bash in control of the camera, my input throughout the filming was to assist camera framing and movement, as well as mise-en-scène (props), I was also assisting with lighting. I was overall very pleased with how the filming went, and with the results we saw later on with editing. While filming, we were following our storyboard and script, but for a few of the shots we felt the need to adjust the framing and camera movements to create a more realistic feel and keeping the continuity smooth.

We encountered a few problems; the most significant problem was losing contact with one of our members, resulting in them not participating in the production. We resolved this by taking the member’s responsibilities and sharing them with the present members. Another problem we came in contact with was while filming the exchange of dialogue the lighting was reflecting off the window affecting the visibility of our actors. We dealt with this problem very quickly, by turning off the lights and using the light from outside, we controlled the direction and amount by using the curtains and wall to reflect the light.
Another problem we encountered later in the exercise was with capturing the footage off the camera, as the brief stated we had to cut each shot separately, enabling us to drag and drop the different takes more easily into the timeline, instead we had captured the whole take, from start to finish. This slowed our editing down greatly.
I feel throughout the filming we kept very close to the codres and conventions of everyday TV drama, using the research we were able to use correct use of the 180° rule and the rule of thirds, allowing us to create different representations within the production, having more control of dominance within the characters used. For the main Assessment I feel we can improve on the camera movement and framing, we had one problem with the movement and framing on the last shot, from when we are zooming onto the mental patient, the framing wasn’t capturing the character the way we wanted.
Because of this exercise being a learning opportunity, as a group we decided to make the most of this.
We now feel confident and we have the experience of this exercise, being able to apply what we have learnt the do’s and don’ts for the main exercise.

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